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The Dark Side

The Dark Side: A 7 Card Spread
(conceived and written by Don S.)

Here is a slightly different take on a 7 card spread that starts out as a three card spread and expands from there.  You start the 'Dark Side Spread' with a normal 3 card spread.

1 ..... 2 ..... 3

1: Past
2: Present
3. Future

To this you would add the 'Shadow Side Card' which is card 4.  You read this card  first as upright, then as reversed for it's shadow side effect.

1 ..... 2 ..... 3
........ 4 .......

Now you would add cards 5, 6 and 7 which are shadow cards for the Past, Present, and Future.

1/5s ..... 2/6s ..... 3/7s
.............. 4 .................

You would read these cards as things working in the shadows in your Past, Present, and Future either as dark influences, or shadow influences for good or ill.

1: Past
..... 5: The Shadow Past

2: Present
..... 6: The Shadow Present

3. Future
..... 7: The Shadow Future

4: The Shadow Side Card (The Outcome/Advice/Things to look for/Dangers) you read as both upright and reversed (for it's shadow effect).  Also try reading this card as both upright, and reversed (Shadow effect) with  the Past, Present, and Future cards to see what you come up with.

Here are the cards I drew for myself in a General Reading using the Universal Waite deck.  What would you make of them?

1: Past: 7 of Swords
..... 5: The Shadow Past: The Hanged Man

2: Present: 8 of Cups
..... 6: The Shadow Present: 2 of Cups

3. Future: 5 of Wands
..... 7: The Shadow Future: 10 of Swords

4: The Shadow Side (The Outcome/Advice/Things to look for)
7 of Pentacles
7 of Pentacles (reversed)

This may, or may not make it easier on you.

1: 7 of Swords
5: The Hanged Man (working in the shadows)

2: 8 of Cups
6: 2 of Cups (working in the shadows)

3. 5 of Wands
7: 10 of Swords (working in the shadows)

4: 7 of Pentacles
....7 of Pentacles (reversed) (working in the shadows)

For a kicker try reversing the Shadow cards (5,6, and 7) and see how it changes the spread/reading.  Reversing them or not is up to you.  If you already use reversed cards then do NOT reverse the Shadow cards and just leave things as they are except for reading card #4, The Shadow card as both upright and reversed.

Variation #1:
Take card #4, The Shadow Side card from the bottom of the deck

Variation #2:
Take all the Shadow cards from the bottom of the deck.

Don S.

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