If you haven't been keeping up, or if you have forgotten the previous posts on 'The Opening Of The Key' spread you can find the prior goodies at the url that follows.
Card Count Values:
For Knights, Queens and Princes [Kings] count 4
For Princesses [Pages] count 7
For Aces, count 5 [or 11 - Crowley]
For small cards, count according to the number.
For trumps, count 3 for the elemental trumps
Count 9 for the planetary trumps
Count 12 for the Zodiacal trumps.
See Cards Drawn and laid out: Layout
Here are the cards that came up for me in stack/pile #1.
UP/Left ............. Card Count
........................Values .
The Fool ............... [3]
Queen of Wands ......... [4]
The Chariot ............ [12]
5 of Cups .............. [5]
5 of Pentacles ......... [5]
The Sun ................ [9]
3 of Pentacles ......... [3]
2 of Cups .............. [2]
8 of Cups .............. [8]
6 of Cups .............. [6]
2 of Swords ............ [2]
The High Priestess ..... [9]
9 of Cups .............. [9]
The Hierophant ......... [12]
Page of Wands .......... [7]
10 of Swords ........... [10]
Judgement .............. [3]
The Hermit ............. [12]
The Star ............... [12]
The World .............. [9]
Page of Pentacles ...... [7]
King of Swords ......... [4] <-- Significator [move down/right]
King of Cups ........... [4]
Ace of Cups ............ [5]
The Wheel of Fortune ... [9]
Got it so far? Our reading would start at the significator and I like to use something along the lines of the 'once upon a time' theme, but in this case using the meaning of the court card you choose for the seekers significator. It might go something like this;
King of Swords
"A thinking, idea man who likes to use logic and reason is
... " [is what?]
Ah, now we need to check the King of Swords elemental dignity by checking the elements of the cards to the left and right of it [up and down].
Page of Pentacles .. King of Swords .. King of Cups
..... Earth ............. Air ........... Water ...
Anyone care to take a stab at this?
Don S.