One of the best ways to start learning the card meanings of the tarot is with a daily draw card. This is called a 1-Card Spread by some people. All this means is that at the start of your day, whenever that might be, you sit and compose yourself, shuffle and cut your tarot deck and select a card for that day. While you do this mentally, or verbally speak to your deck. If you feel a shiver run up and down your spine so much the better. I normally start off with a, "Hello", to my deck and a smile. This works for me but may not for you.
Normally when I do this I ask my cards for guidance more than, "What's my day going to be like?" Either way the chances are good that your deck will understand what you want as long as you aren't confused or brain isn't jitter-bugging.
After you pull your daily draw card study a moment, jot down in your tarot
journal any first impressions you may have picked up on. Do a little
card imagery by writing down what you see depicted on the card and what each
thing means to you, or what your SVG might be telling you about the
card. Remember that you should be able to tell a lot by the picture, or
imagery on the card.
As you can see in image on the left between the different spokes of the Wheel of Fortune there will be times when you will be happy and times when you will be sad which indicates things changing in your life. A (the) wheel also turns so this is another indication that things will not remain the same. The wheel could also mean movement, or going forward (or backward), or advancing from one place to another. And these changes will normally be rapid since most wheels move pretty fast.
And since the card has the word Fortune in it then this could mean luck, or something good coming your way. But because of the swiftly turning wheel
this luck may be 'fleeting'. Two other keywords are normally attributed
to the Wheel of Fortune and they are 'fate and destiny' because the wheel is
destined to continue to turn and the spokes of the wheel will always meet at
the center of the wheel no matter what because it's fated to be so.
Frankly the fate and destiny meanings don't make much sense to me but they may to you. I just think the early tarot folks figured they needed a card of fate and destiny and so attributed those meanings to the Wheel of Fortune. I guess things are destined or fated to change might fit the bill very well.
If the card is reversed then the unhappy faces come to the top meaning their may be grief and sadness coming your way. Possibly bad luck or even failure.
Put the card away and go about your day. If you are doing readings that's fine, if you are doing the morning dishes that's fine too. At the end of your day pick up your deck and find your daily draw card again and sit it in front of you and study it again. If you pick up more impressions jot them down in your journal.
Does/did the card reflect your day? Did it seem to at least touch on some part of your day? If you need to ... check a keyword source you like, trust, and that feels right to you and your inner SVG. Do the keywords work into your day or touch on it?
By drawing a daily card you can be on the 'look out' for things, either pleasant or unpleasant and perhaps circumvent the unpleasant ones. And like I said it's an excellent way to learn the card meanings.
But the card may also be trying to tell you something about yourself. Say you draw the the Six of Wands.
You have a man on a horse looking proud and perhaps a little arrogant. He appears to be riding through a group of people in triumph and expecting their good wishes and acclaim. The man on the horse looks like he has successfully completed some task and that the adulation of the crowd is his due.
But this card might also be warning you to not let your pride and arrogance get the best of you and that if you look down on people, or ignore them that this attitude might come back to bite you. Maybe you aren't the 'legend in your own mind' that you think you are.
Now you don't have to make your daily draw at the start of your day. In fact you can make it at any time during your day. Just make sure you do it and that you record it in your tarot journal and make notes about the cards meaning ... and if it in some way fit you, or your day!
I recommend that you do both a Daily Draw and a Weekly Draw to see how the cards 'flesh' out over your week. Let me also recommend doing a 'Daily Elemental Draw' to help you to both learn to read the cards and elements, and to give your day an 'elemental' flavor. See: Weekly Draw Card and Daily Elemental Draw.
Don S.