Dynamic Relationship Spread

Spread Layout

1 .... 2


  1. First Person In Relationship (the seeker)
  2. Second Person In Relationship

Dealing Out The Spread

This is not your usual spread and there can be anywhere from four (4) cards to a whole bunch of cards, [grin]. But don't worry, you only really have to read two (2) cards - or you can try reading all the cards in each stack/pile if you want. The first thing you want to do is to pick a 'Court Card Significator' for each person in the relationship. Note: You may wish to use a 2nd deck to select the two (2) Significators from.

Let's say you chose the;
Queen of Swords for person #1
and the King of Pentacles for person #2

Set these two (2) cards out in positions #1 and #2 in the layout. Next shuffle and cut the rest of the deck as you normally would. When you are ready start dealing cards onto position #1 (1st Significator card) until you come up with 'another swords card'.


You then do the same thing with the second Significator card. Here I wasn't so lucky. Remember that here we are looking for another 'Pentacles' card because the Significator is the King of Pentacles.

Whew - quite a few cards in this second stack. I would say because of the disparity between the number of cards in the two different stacks that the relationship doesn't look good. It also appears that person #2 has quite a few issues to resolve because there are nine (9) cards in stack #2 to only three (3) cards in stack #1.

Reading the Final (Top) 2 Cards

We ended up with these cards on the top of each stack:

Seven of Swords ..... Ace of Pentacles

With the 7 of Swords the seeker seems to be afraid, or running away from making decisions, from commitments, and from their problems. They may be to much of a loner for any type of relationship at this time. They might also be looking at a relationship at this time for selfish reasons. Possibility they are trying to escape from another (worse) situation.

Looking at the Ace of Pentacles we probably have a person to wrapped up in their job, career, business, etc. for a meaningful relationship at this time - especially considering all the other cards that came up in this stack. They may have a lot, or to many financial and business type prospects coming up to spend much time making a relationship work.

All in all I'd have to say that any type of relationship between these two people is ... unlikely at best - and a possible disaster on their hands if they proceed.

You can now try reading the cards beneath the top cards to see what else you can come up with in the reading.

What If ...

What if another court card comes up on either, or both stacks as the last card drawn?

Advise: Draw another card, or cards to clarify the top court card, or cards.

Don S.

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