I don't know how many times I have heard something similar to this:
"The Celtic Cross is confusing and is presently over my head. I'll stick to the smaller spreads for now."
Well, the One Oracle Spread, or OOS spread isn't the Celtic Cross but it's a learning spread/tool that you might really find useful in helping you to learn a spread the size of the Celtic Cross. It's a 10-card spread (or the larger 15-card spread) but don't let that frighten you because it's actually one large (ok, fairly large) spread as well as several smaller spreads in one, thus the name, One-Oracle Spread. The one oracle spread sees all and knows all, but you can pick and choose what the oracle sees and tells you, LOL.
With the OOS spread you can read the entire spread or just the 4-card section you want, and that pertains to the type of question asked. Each section deals with different subject/questions so you will need to select the section you need/want for the question being asked.
And best of all the different 4-card sections all have one thing in common. They all share the 10th card in the spread which should really help you learn to read whatever card comes up in that position. You just have to read it differently at times for the individual 4-card sections (at least a little).
.......... 1 ..........
2 ...................6 ....... 10
.......... 5 .........
3 .................. 7
.......... 9 .........
4 .................. 8
Like I said you use the 10th card in the spread in several places for different questions. The image below gives you an idea if where the 10th card can go. Don't let it confuse or intimidate you because it's actually very simple. Later we will turn this into a 15-card spread.
Here are the position meanings which are fairly important in this spread and which hopefully will teach you how to integrate the position meanings with the cards that turn up in those positions (thus helping you with other spreads like the Celtic Cross).
2.) Making Choices: Choices to make, (things and ways to moderate and/or balance your life).
3.) Acknowledging Influences: Things unfolding (contributing influences such as people, places, or things).
4.) Finding Structure: What's needed, lacking, or causing you not to have structure and/or security in your life.
5.) Finding Problems: Current challenges and disruptions in your life.
6.) Attaining Harmony: What is needed or lacking to bring harmony and contentment in your life.
7.) Finding Solutions: Evaluation and Options.
8.) Seeking the Material: Current Material State (What's needed, lacking, or causing your material/spiritual concerns).
9.) Reaching Higher: Current Spiritual State (What you need to let go of, change, or end to reach spiritual/material wholeness, integration, fulfillment, and/or happiness.
10.) Finding Finality: Final Analysis (Conclusion) or Final Outcome, Transition, completion, renewal, rebirth.
Whew ... Don, that's a bunch of stuff bozo, LOL. Naaaa, it ain't bad ... really.
Let's say you need an answer to a question. Any question, and you don't want to, or can't read an entire 10-card spread.
Nothing to it children. Ask your question while shuffling, cut your cards, deal out the entire spread, BUT just use/read cards #1, #2, #6, and #10 to answer your 'quickie' question. If it helps turn all the other cards face down except these four cards.
Example Question: "'What can the cards tell me about my general situation?"
Simply use cards #1, #2, #6, and #10 to get your answer.
Let us say these are the cards you have dealt out for the seekers question:
Card #1
8 of Cups |
Card #2
3 of Cups |
Card #6
Queen of Pentacles |
Card #10
The Star |
Card #5
4 of Pentacles |
Card #3
Page of Swords |
Card #7
7 of Cups |
Card #9
Death |
Card #4
9 of Wands |
Card #8
King of Pentacles |
Those in the colors Blue (Cups) and Green (Pentacles) are Passive and those in Red (Wands) and Yellow/Gold (Swords) are Active. That means you need to find the suit associations for any Majors that come up. See Majors Chart.
Looking at the Majors Chart you will find that Death is associated with Scorpio which is a Fixed Water sign associating it with the Cups suit making it Passive. The Star is associated with Aquarius which is a Fixed Air sign associating it with the suit of Swords and thus making it Active.
1.) 8 of Cups ................. (P)
2.) 3 of Cups ................. (P)
3.) Page of Swords ........ (A)
4.) 9 of Wands .............. (A)
5.) 4 of Pentacles .......... (P)
6.) Queen of Pentacles .. (P)
7.) 7 of Cups ................. (P)
8.) King of Pentacles ..... (P)
9.) Death ...................... (P)
10.) The Star .................. (A)
We can see that there is both a lack of energy and fire (Wands) in the spread and that it lacks a little in intellect and thought (Swords). Because of the 4 cup cards we can hazard a guess that this is an emotional question probably/possibly dealing with a relationship, or relationships. But because of the 3 Pentacles there is a good possibility that material concerns are also involved.
With 2 Majors the question would appear to be of some importance and with 3 Court cards there is a good chance that other people are involved/influencing the seeker and thus the question.
Also looking at the cards like in the list above we see that there are no Wands/Cups or Swords/Pentacles next to each other so we would have no ill-dignified (Reversed) cards. Except for one thing which I'll explain one of these days and which can be a bit confusing but can change the reading dramatically. For now I will keep things as simple as possible.
Example Question: "'What can the cards tell me about my general situation?"
And to answer this question and because we are dealing with a general question we will use cards #1, #2, #6, and card #10.
I recommend finding the cards used above in your own deck and laying them out so you can let your own intuitive thoughts and insights add to the reading.
Card #1: Position #1: The 8 of Cups
Letting go and moving on, moving away from a bad situation (relationship), weariness, alter course, the need to accept change, abandon past, need to realign feeling/emotional cycles.
Position Meanings:
Finding Self: Self, Current Mental and Emotional States
How do these meanings relate to the Seekers Mental and/or Emotional State? To their inner/outer self? You decide!
At present the Seekers mental and emotional states seem to be a bit erratic and confused but they are moving in a more positive direction. They seem to be letting go of some old baggage and seeking change and seeking a higher meaning to their life.
Card #2: Position #2: The 3 of Cups
Friendship, joy, community, celebration, abundance, emotional growth, exuberance, harmony.
How do these meanings/phrases relate to the #2 Position meanings of Making Choices: Choices to make, things and ways to moderate and/or balance your life?
Perhaps the Seeker is moving away and seeking solitude from the 'party life'? The seeker is looking for balance and moderation and it sounds like foregoing a few celebrations is a step in the right direction. Integrating this with card #1 I'd say they were moving away from some type of unhealthy relationship, possibly with a friend. This card could also mean turning away from a alcohol or sexual problem.
Card #6: Position #6: The Queen of Pentacles
Practical, resourceful, mature, good-hearted, reliable, material security, a mature person - usually female.
Position #6 meanings: Attaining Harmony: What is needed or lacking to bring harmony and contentment into your life.
Because a court card came up in this position we have three possibilities (at least).
One is the seeker needs to speak to, and find guidance from a practical and down to earth female (individual, not necessarily a female) who will give the seeker good advise. This also goes with the overview that the spread indicated that others would be involved with/in the seekers life.
Or if the seeker is a female - she might be, or is going to get pregnant because of the 3 of Cups in Position #2 and this card. She feels that a child would bring balance (position #2) and harmony (position #6) into her life.
My Read
On the other hand this card could just be telling the seeker that harmony and contentment can be gained by using their own common sense and learning to grow both spiritually and mentally by being more practical and down to earth and not to overdo so much.
Card #10: Position #10: The Star
With the Star, turmoil comes to an end. Once again, hope is
restored, things are reduced to their bare essence. The Star offers guidance,
and indicates self-knowledge, as well as inspiration and spiritual enlightenment.
Position #10: Finding Finality: Final Analysis (Conclusion) or Final Outcome, Transition, completion, renewal, rebirth
Kind of says it all .... doesn't it? If I have to decipher this for you then you might want to look into getting into the fast food trade instead of reading tarot cards, LOL.
Try integrating these yourself:
Card #5: Position #5: The 4 of Pentacles
Tight control of material resources, miserly, possessive, materialistic, control vs. letting go, status seeking, blocking change, tenacious hold.
Position Meanings:
Seeking Problems: Current challenges and disruptions in
your life.
Card #3: Position #3: The Page of Swords
Quick-witted, intellegent, eloquent, sharp, eager to learn and adapt, adept at turning situations to his or her advantage, news, messages (often law related), contacts, gossip. A [younger/child] person with these qualities.
Position Meanings:
Acknowledging Influences: Things unfolding (contributing influences such as people, places, or things)
Card #7: Position #7: The 7 of Cups
Self-deception, too many options, delusions, fantasizing, dissipation, too self-important, the need to assign priorities.
Position Meanings:
Finding Solutions: Evaluation and Options
Here is another indication of overdoing, or doing to much and thus losing focus on any ONE thing.
Card #10: Position #10: The Star
With the Star, turmoil comes to an end. Once again, hope is
restored, things are reduced to their bare essence. The Star offers guidance,
and indicates self-knowledge, as well as inspiration and spiritual enlightenment.
Position Meanings:
Finding Finality: Final Analysis (Conclusion) or Final Outcome, Transition, completion, renewal, rebirth
Card #9: Position #9: Death
Transformation, change, endings, loss. The clearing away of limiting factors can make room for a more satisfying life.
Position Meanings:
Reaching Higher: Current Spiritual State (What you need to let go of, change, or end to reach spiritual wholeness, integration, fulfillment, and/or happiness.
Card #4: Position #4: 9 of Wands
Being - or on the defensive, endurance/persistence, will/stubborn, stamina/strength, committed, steadfast/defending, wisdom of time.
Position Meanings:
Finding Structure: What's needed, lacking, or causing you not to have structure and/or security in your life.
Card #8: Position #8: King of Pentacles
Financial success, enterprising, able and reliable, loyal and wise, responsible, patient, able to balance material resources, mature person usually male, "Midas touch".
Position Meanings:
Seeking the Material: Current Material State (What's needed, lacking, or causing your material concerns)
Card #10: Position #10: The Star
With the Star, turmoil comes to an end. Once again, hope is
restored, things are reduced to their bare essence. The Star offers guidance,
and indicates self-knowledge, as well as inspiration and spiritual enlightenment.
Position Meanings:
Finding Finality: Final Analysis (Conclusion) or Final Outcome, Transition, completion, renewal, rebirth
8.) Seeking the Material: Current Material State (What's needed, lacking, or causing your material concerns)
7.) Finding Solutions: Evaluation and Options
6.) Attaining Harmony: What is needed or lacking to bring harmony and contentment in your life.
10.) Finding Finality: Final Analysis (Conclusion) or Final Outcome, Transition, completion, renewal, rebirth
Read cards #1, #5, #9, and card #10. By this time you should know what all these cards mean in the positions they are in. Now just integrate them.
Card #1: Position #1: The 8 of Cups
Letting go and moving on, moving away from a bad situation (relationship), weariness, alter course, the need to accept change, abandon past, need to realign feeling/emotional cycles.
Position Meanings:
Finding Self: Self, Current emotional and Mental States
At present the Seekers mental and emotional states seem to be a bit erratic and confused but they are moving in a more positive direction. They seem to be letting go of some old baggage and seeking change and a higher meaning in/to their life.
Card #5: Position #5: The 4 of Pentacles
Tight control of material resources, miserly, possessive, materialistic, control vs. letting go, status seeking, blocking change, tenacious hold.
Position Meanings:
Seeking Problems: Current challenges and disruptions in
your life.
Your current challenges appear to be control problems and lacking a solid foundation/direction. This card says to me you are doing to much and stretching yourself out to thin and are in jeopardy of doubting your spiritual connection ... your inner self-confidence.
Card #9: Position #9: Death
Transformation, change, endings, loss. The clearing away of limiting factors can make room for a more satisfying life.
Position Meanings:
Reaching Higher: Current Spiritual State (What you need to let go of, change, or end to reach spiritual wholeness, integration, fulfillment, and/or happiness.
Your higher spiritual awareness is predicated on changing/transforming the amount of responibilities and burdens you carry on your shoulders. Lighten the load before self-doubt sets in or things become to overwhelming for you.
Card #10: Position #10: The Star
With the Star, turmoil comes to an end. Once again, hope is
restored, things are reduced to their bare essence. The Star offers guidance,
and indicates self-knowledge, as well as inspiration and spiritual enlightenment.
Position Meanings:
Finding Finality: Final Analysis (Conclusion) or Final Outcome, Transition, completion, renewal, rebirth
In the final analysis things should turn out for the best if you use your own common sense and intelligence. You are smart enough to know what needs to be done ... now all you have to do is follow through with things.
I realize that reading the same card at position #10 can be a bit bogus but try the spread this way to reinforce learning whatever card comes up in position #10 and to learn both the spread and how to integrate the card(s) with the position meanings, and integrate that with the other cards/positions. Later you can deal out a separate card for each of the #10's positions in the spread and try it that way.
Here is the 15-Card One Oracle Spread layout.
Don S.