Theme and Variations Spread

Theme and Variations Spread

At the start of your day, whenever that might be give the following exercise a try.

Shuffle, cut, and place 5 cards in the following layout.

4 ...... 3
.... 5 ....
1 ...... 2

Jot these cards down on a piece of scrap paper or in your Tarot Journal under 'Theme of the Day'.  Put the cards away without doing anything else, or go on to your daily draw, or readings, or whatever you had scheduled for the start of your day.

At the end of your day, say right before bedtime find the 5 cards and lay them out in the pattern above.  There are no position meanings to the spread so don't knock yourself out.  Now:

  1. Look at each card for a moment and using the imagery on the card try to relate the card to a part of your day.  Jot any insights down in your journal.
  2. Check a keyword source you like and trust and select 1 or 2 keywords that might go with both the card and your day.
  3. Add these keywords to your tarot journal if they aren't already there.
  4. If nothing comes to mind about a certain card, or cards jot that down in your journal as well so you can check to see if there might be a pattern developing about 'certain cards' you may not be comfortable with, or which give you a problem for some (whatever) reason.  Chances are good these cards will continue to show up until you are no longer 'uncertain or indecisive' about the card.
  5. Pay close attention to any Court cards that may come up and try to decide if the card represents a person in your day, or the meaning 'behind' the person, or some aspect of the seeker, or all three.

Do this everyday for awhile to help you learn the cards, their meanings, and how this information may/does apply to your day.  Then try doing it only when something a little more major happens in your life.  Once you are at this point if you need to draw 1 to 3 ~clarification cards~ in the mean time (however many times you feel it is needful) to see if you can garner more insights about the things going on around you, or to you, and integrating these with the 5 you originally drew.  Don't be afraid to associate the cards with little things in your day because there is not a thing wrong with that.  Don't expect every card to be 'life changing' since on a day to day basis that is almost never the case.

My Day:

Card #4

Card #5
Card #3

Card #1

Card #2

1.) Wheel of Fortune: Keywords: Progress, improvement, change, cycles

My computer was infected by the Badtrans.B virus and I didn't know it until folks started emailing me telling me I had it.  I managed this morning, after several hours to get rid of it.

2.) 10 of Swords: Keywords: Ruin, pain

I also went today and got my two allergy shots, one in each arm.  I tensed up my right arm and the shot pinched and hurt like the devil.  My day was already tending toward being ruined because of the virus and this just added a more painful reminder.  Oooh those swords, knife's, and needles!

3.) 3 of Pentacles: Keywords: Work, competence

I worked at getting rid of that virus but also worked to expand my competence of the tarot by writing this exercise and by studying my cards and becoming more 'one' with them.

4.) King of Pentacles: Keywords: Steady progress, practicality

I spoke to my oldest son on the phone today who is making steady progress with his training learning to drive a big rig and will soon be driving his own with a partner of his choosing.  I am also making steady progress in my learning of the tarot and I know that at times I'm a little to practical at the way I go at it and not intuitive enough.  When I see the King of Pentacles I always think of someone who is a little anal and that describes me fairly well, {grin}.  I mentioned my son because he was the only male I spoke to today.  All the rest were females so I took that as being significant with this card.

5.) 4 of Swords: Keywords: Reflection, rest

I needed to 'recharge' my batteries after a busy morning so fell asleep on my wife Miss Pat when she came home from work in the afternoon.  I needed the relief from the stress of that virus, going to get my shots, and going to another doctors office to see about getting a myelogram on my neck and back (10 of Swords above) set up.

I could equate all these cards with my day so see if it works for you.  Besides which it's just a good practice exercise.

Adapted from the book: Tarot Plain and Simple by Anthony Louis
I highly recommend this book especially if you use the Robin Wood deck which are the images used in Tarot Plain and Simple.

Don S.

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