When someone comes to you and asks for a 'general reading' try the 'Dynamic General Reading Spread' and see if you can't knock their socks off.
First start with the 5 suits/elements. You can position these any way you want.
Motivation - Wands
Conflict/Stress - Swords
Emotions - Cups
- Pentacles
Spirit - Majors
You are going to have 5 rows going across.
1.) card, card, etc.
2.) card, card, etc.
3.) card, card, etc.
card, card, etc.
5.) card, card, etc.
Some rows may have a single card while others may have a ton of cards.
1st Row - Wands
Deal cards out until you deal out a Wands pip card (Ace to
10). Read the cards in this row as to the seekers 'outward motivations' (what's
currently lighting their fire).
2nd Row - Swords
Deal cards out until you deal out a Swords pip card (Ace
to 10). Read the cards in this row to see what conflicts and stress factors the
seeker is currently dealing with.
3rd Row - Cups
Deal cards out until you deal out a Cups pip card (Ace to
10). These cards will tell you what emotional and relationship issues the seeker
is going through.
4th Row - Pentacles
Deal cards out until you deal out a Pentacles pip card
(Ace to 10). Reading these cards will tell you the material concerns of the
seeker, their health concerns, their security (or lack of) concerns, their
family concerns, and so on.
5th Row - Majors
Deal cards out until you deal out a Major Arcana card.
The cards in this row will indicate the spiritual issues the seeker is wrestling
Read the cards starting from the last card pulled to the first card pulled.
Just be aware that doing a 'Dynamic General Reading' can get very long and involved. You can - if you wish to - just read the 'final card' in each row. But for more detailed info reading all the cards in each row can be a real eye opener.
Start again on the same row until you come up with the pip card needed for that row.
Later, if you want go back and see what the extra stack, or stacks have to tell you.
Don S.